Monday, June 8, 2009

And now back to our regularly scheduled program...

I knew skipping one day was a bad idea, because it would lend to missing more days. For some reason my sleep schedule is all wonky now and I get up insanely early, but I haven't been napping during the day so that means I run out of energy around noon.

Worse, being so tired and worn down means all my other goals down the drain as well.

So, no excuses. I've messed up and the only thing to do is jump back on that horse.

I just really wish that I could get proper sleep. It's starting to affect my mood and not in a good way. My patience is at its end. I thought for sure last night I'd be able to get some decent sleep because I was so tired and didn't get a nap, but without fail I was up and unable to sleep by 3:45am.

Worse, I get up from what amounts to an extended nap and walk into the living room and kitchen left to the men for six unsupervised hours and nothing is done. Dinner dishes, still in the sink. Dishes in the living room. A water battle, some soda cans (not mine - I'm staying strong on that front although yesterday I was tempted. I blame the lethargy).

It's really quite frustrating. Not having a job outside the home means a lot of the chores get delegated to me, which is fine. But it seems I'm doing the same thing every single day no matter how hard I work to get ahead. Yesterday I got everything spotless, even to the point of shampooing the floors, and waking up to more work was not exactly my idea of fun.

It's like I'm engaged in this long standing war with clutter, and the clutter is winning.

And it's not even that it's a lot of work. It'll take about ten minutes to get things picked up and the dishwasher loaded and started.

Which makes it even more annoying that no one else seems willing to do it.

Like I said... piss poor mood.

Plus the exercise jump started certain hormonal shifts that mean I have to deal with Mother Nature a full week earlier than I normally do.

So I'm going to get a firm start on my day by eating a good breakfast full of protein and carbohydrates, then head down to the workout room to get on that treadmill. I'm not putting it off today - because that will lead to just one more day of not doing what I need to do because life can, and does, get in the way.

Not beating myself up. No sense in that.

Just being honest and real.

It's okay to be imperfect.

No excuses needed.

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